ZecWeekly #77
The Zeboot Agenda, Josh Swihart shares ECC's progress & Recent updates from Binance!
Curated by "squirrel"(zksquirrel)
Welcome to ZecWeekly
Interesting updates from across the Zcash ecosystem this week. News from Binance regarding potential delisting, an ECC development and operations update from Josh Swihart & a new Community Forum Poll on potential deprecation of the Transparent Pool.
This Week's Education Piece 👩🏫
Free2z is innovating a new revenue share model on its platform that will allow payment methods like credit cards & payouts in cryptocurrency! Skylar details the controls and economic disparity perpetuated by central banks & how cryptocurrencies offer potential solutions. Click Image to Read:
Zcash Updates
ECC and ZF Updates 🛠️
Zcash Community Grants Updates
Community Projects 🏗️
News and Media 📰
Day two of Spot Bitcoin ETF nears $3.1 Billion in volume - The Block
Cypherpunk Culture, Unravelling the origins - Cypherpunk Times
Tweets about Zcash 📢
Satoshi is waiting for Zashi, then the flippening will begin - ZforZcash
Apart from many other things @DCGco
Zeme of the week