ZecWeekly #57
Zcash Minor Grants Opens for Applicants, Community Updates & Remember, "Privacy is Normal"
Curated by "Tony Akins"(@Tonyakins01)
Welcome to ZecWeekly
Another exciting week for Zcash as the community garnered immense support and new waves of growth, ZecHub sharing a Magazine article, Arborist Development updates and the community reacts to attack on developers freedom of speech.
This week's education piece 👨🏫
Breakdown the differences between Zero Knowledge Shielded pools and Decoy-based anonymity in the recent addition to the ZecHub wiki. An introduction to Shielded Pools, Zero Knowledge proofs, Ring Signatures & Confidential Transactions. Comparisons are then drawn giving clear reasoning behind why Zcash provides preferable on-chain privacy guarantees.
Read here: 🛡️Shielded Pools vs ⭕Decoy-based systems
Zcash Updates
ECC & ZF Updates
Zcash Community Grants Updates
Community Projects
News & Media
Some Zcash Tweets
Zeme of the Week