Zcash Ecosystem Digest | January 12th
ZconVI RFP submission deadline, ECC Transparency Report, ZecHub Roadmap Community Call, eZcash available on iOS and Z|ECC Summit next week!
Network Stats | Jan 5-9th
Transfer Count: 43,469
O: 4591
S: 1764
T: 37,114
Transaction Count: 14,792
O: 567
S: 927
T: 13,298
Net Flow (+OUT,-IN)
O: -19902
S: 3743
Chain Supply: 15,839,787
O: 970,736
S: 974,232
T: 13,858,175
SP: 25824
Lockbox: 10818
Node Count: 114
Zebra 2.1.0: 11
Zebra 2.0.1: 3
zcashd 6.1.0 16
zcashd 6.0.0 84
If you didn't catch the recent ZecHub 2025 Roadmap Community Call, check out the replay on our channel!
Zcash Updates ⓩ
ECC & Zcash Foundation 🛠️
Zcash Community Grants 🏛️
Community Projects:
Network Sustainability Mechanism (NSM) Discussion - Community Forum
“Hashrate does not affect demand, but regulates supply” - ruZcash
In crypto which verb describes removing units when the protocol adjusts issuance… (poll) Nate_ZEC
According to this we are almost at 2m shielded! - @cryptocopernici
The first Zcash Glossary created by @ifocusdesign - ZcashEsp
Many thanks to people behind @KeystoneWallet and @zashi_app - @jenkin27
ZecHub is my favorite community project in crypto. - @januszg_
Peter Van Valkenburgh & Zooko Wilcox on Zcash Coinholder Voting - Zechub Shorts
Integrations, upgrades, and a ton of new features are landing this year - Maya Protocol
Just Acquired zcash.de, what resources would you like to see? - silentzcollector
An update: The device, thanks, and my apologies - tecnopapapi
5 days still time to register to speak/present at Zcon6 (online event 4th-7th March)- Zerodartz